Monday 24 June 2013


  Travel 35kms west of Dorrigo and then turn right at the Grafton sign and you will continue the adventure. Similar to the Bellingen road in parts yet different in others this Armidale Road also follows the ranges. With steep curves both ascending and descending and a narrow and at times very rough surface you will again work hard at the wheel. I would caution those towing a large Caravan that this by necessity will be a slow trip. I must say that I really enjoy this type of country and the roads that traverse it. At times I had great fun, even in the Hiace, as I worked my way up and down the gears and negotiated the hairpin bends without a lot of speed but still in a way exciting.
  My thoughts of where to stay overnight were interrupted when in the middle of nowhere, I sped across a tiny bridge and spied in the corner of my eye a grassy clearing next to a creek. A few hundred metres on I pulled over, why not go back and have a look? This place is not marked on the map and turned out to be a Riverside Reserve as described by a small sign. There was no prohibition of camping thereon so this became my stopover for tonight. I was glad I did as traffic was light and all was quiet except for the chatter of birds. The wild creek with it's rocky bed and dense bush lined banks was a delight as well.
  After a peaceful night by myself at my unexpected venue I continued 45 kms to Grafton for breakfast and then a further 200 kms to revisit Tooloom Falls where I had enjoyed a couple of days during Trip#1.


    If you travel this way then you will be rewarded with an amazing drive. Only 45 kms but feels a lot further since I had to work hard at the wheel. Climbing the range with sharp and narrow bends I gave the gearbox a good workout while managing still to take in the wonderful scenery. To arrive at little Dorrigo and take a deep breath and reflect was indeed welcome though.
 I needed to contemplate the next part of the journey. Should I continue west and the expected bitter cold of Armidale or turn north where it would be minor roads through the mountains until Grafton. I reserved a decision until I had a look at Dangar Falls, only 2 kms from Dorrigo's main street.
  The falls could be viewed in the near distance from an observation platform and picnic area (no camping allowed). A worthwhile interlude here without being outstanding I thought.
  As I mused over my options for the rest of the day I struck up a conversation with two Ladies travelling in a nice Motorhome. I was concerned that the back road to Grafton would be a bit of a risk as it passed through some wild country so asked their opinion. Luckily they had travelled that way a few times and assured that I would be fine, if not a bit cold. My decision was therefore made and that is the direction that I will go.


  I have spent the last 4 nights at Coopernook Forest Park, a free camp that I had stayed at on Trip #1. I wanted to wait until my Pension payment today and to test out the new Solar Panel. I was very happy with it's performance with no hint of running out of power even though I played the Stereo for 8 or more hours a day. I'm happy to move on though as it was freezing last night with just a Sleeping Bag. Today I bought a quilt so hopefully it will be a bit warmer tonight.
I have settled on a Rest Area on the Waterfall Way, west of Bellingen, at the foot of the Ranges on the way to Dorrigo, known as Roses Park. A nice scenic drive through country that I really enjoy. Plenty of forest trees, interspersed with farmland and mountain views in the distance that remind of what is to come. The site would accommodate around 12 Vans comfortably, is grassy with some shade trees and basic facilities of Toilet, Tables, Fireplaces and one BBQ.
 I will share this place with 5 others for an overnight stay before moving on to Grafton via Dorrigo and if time alloys then north along the Summerland Way to Tooloom Falls at Urbenville, which I enjoyed last trip.
















Thursday 13 June 2013


  Now listen to this and I bet that you don't believe me. Last night I made camp at Little Lake in the rain. I left my No1, Class A, Super-U-beaut, Rare as Hen's Teeth, Orthopaedic Thongs outside so as not to muddy the floor of the Van. Well, I got up this morning and one Thong had disappeared, I searched everywhere and it was gone for sure. Then I remembered a sign I had seen nearby "BEWARE THERE ARE DINGOS IN THE AREA". Well, that's it then "A DINGO STOLE MY THONG"!
  Now I know how Lindy Chamberlain felt! I was as devastated, my Sister gave me them for Christmas and in any case they will cost 50 bucks to replace.Tonight I have a really sore foot, hobbling around all day with one thong and I didn't appreciate the strange looks in the Supermarket either.
  So if you happen to see a Dingo running around wearing one very smart looking Thong then please let me know urgently, I will go and catch the bugger and get it back. Otherwise if you have a spare Orthopaedic Thong suitable for the right foot, drop me a line, you have an instant sale.
  Bloody Dingos!
For Identification Purposes: This is the Sole Remaining Partner to the Missing Thong
If you see a Dingo with one like this, IT'S MINE!


Wednesday 12 June 2013


  A late start today, the Doctor's appointment took longer than I thought. Why is it that an 11am appointment turned into a one and a half hour wait? Frustrating when my mind is 100 kilometres up the road. After a struggle I did manager to break the shackles of his annoyingly in depth consideration of whether I should go on this trip or not. Finally, we agreed that a change to medication was all that is necessary for now. I could have told him that.
  Heading north with my new Stereo belting out Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Barnes and Cold Chisel, The Doors and Deep Purple amongst other favourites from an earlier time. I chuckled to think what the other motorists thought of the old bloke in the Van with the rock music blaring from inside. Its still playing as I type this and I'm  loving reliving the old days.
    My intention was to revisit the Myall Lakes National Park (NSW) and stay at a Camping Spot close to Seal Rocks. Reaching the last 10 kms of gravel road to Seal Rocks in heavy rain it only took 5 kms or so to realise that the road was too rough. Potholes and deep ruts shook the Hiace to the point where I thought of damage pending. So I backtracked a short distance to Little Lake, Neralie, a very nice spot where I had stayed towards the end of the first trip. Right beside the Myall Lakes, in a Paperbark Forest, even the rain couldn't negate its charm.
  I may stay another night if the weather turns for the better or if not I will continue on 100 kms to another known Free Camp at Coopernook near Taree.
Keep watching and I hope that you enjoy coming along for the ride.

Tuesday 11 June 2013


  I am itching to get going again. I've been here at Nelson Bay NSW, my home base, for about 4 weeks now. A 200 watt Solar Panel has been fitted to the roof of the Hiace hopefully, meaning that indefinite "Free Camping" may now be possible, we will see. I also added a decent Stereo Unit to the back of the Van to liven things up a bit, 600 rock songs from the 60's to 90's should do the trick. There's been another hold up, a routine Doctor's appointment turned up a few problems that needed sorting out which has taken a while. Finally, with or without Doctor's approval I am leaving tomorrow June 12th for a new and this time more extensive travel experience.
  Originally, I planned to tour as much of  Qld as possible over the next 6 months or so. In recent days however, two of my "Grey Nomad" friends, (Jules and Billy) have suggested that I accompany them on a trek through Qld to Mt Isa then across to the NT, on to Alice Springs and then Ayers Rock. I jumped at the chance as that's a trip I would prefer not do alone as it passes through some very remote places and its better to have others nearby in case of breakdown etc. A rendezvous is planned in a couple of weeks in Southern Qld. In the mean time I will travel Nth along the NSW coast then turn inland to Boonah, the meeting point. From there plans for the next leg will be made.
  So, keep calling in, come along with me and let's discover what's around the next bend. Thanks for visiting.