Monday 24 June 2013


    If you travel this way then you will be rewarded with an amazing drive. Only 45 kms but feels a lot further since I had to work hard at the wheel. Climbing the range with sharp and narrow bends I gave the gearbox a good workout while managing still to take in the wonderful scenery. To arrive at little Dorrigo and take a deep breath and reflect was indeed welcome though.
 I needed to contemplate the next part of the journey. Should I continue west and the expected bitter cold of Armidale or turn north where it would be minor roads through the mountains until Grafton. I reserved a decision until I had a look at Dangar Falls, only 2 kms from Dorrigo's main street.
  The falls could be viewed in the near distance from an observation platform and picnic area (no camping allowed). A worthwhile interlude here without being outstanding I thought.
  As I mused over my options for the rest of the day I struck up a conversation with two Ladies travelling in a nice Motorhome. I was concerned that the back road to Grafton would be a bit of a risk as it passed through some wild country so asked their opinion. Luckily they had travelled that way a few times and assured that I would be fine, if not a bit cold. My decision was therefore made and that is the direction that I will go.

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