Monday 24 June 2013


  Travel 35kms west of Dorrigo and then turn right at the Grafton sign and you will continue the adventure. Similar to the Bellingen road in parts yet different in others this Armidale Road also follows the ranges. With steep curves both ascending and descending and a narrow and at times very rough surface you will again work hard at the wheel. I would caution those towing a large Caravan that this by necessity will be a slow trip. I must say that I really enjoy this type of country and the roads that traverse it. At times I had great fun, even in the Hiace, as I worked my way up and down the gears and negotiated the hairpin bends without a lot of speed but still in a way exciting.
  My thoughts of where to stay overnight were interrupted when in the middle of nowhere, I sped across a tiny bridge and spied in the corner of my eye a grassy clearing next to a creek. A few hundred metres on I pulled over, why not go back and have a look? This place is not marked on the map and turned out to be a Riverside Reserve as described by a small sign. There was no prohibition of camping thereon so this became my stopover for tonight. I was glad I did as traffic was light and all was quiet except for the chatter of birds. The wild creek with it's rocky bed and dense bush lined banks was a delight as well.
  After a peaceful night by myself at my unexpected venue I continued 45 kms to Grafton for breakfast and then a further 200 kms to revisit Tooloom Falls where I had enjoyed a couple of days during Trip#1.

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