Monday 24 June 2013


  I have spent the last 4 nights at Coopernook Forest Park, a free camp that I had stayed at on Trip #1. I wanted to wait until my Pension payment today and to test out the new Solar Panel. I was very happy with it's performance with no hint of running out of power even though I played the Stereo for 8 or more hours a day. I'm happy to move on though as it was freezing last night with just a Sleeping Bag. Today I bought a quilt so hopefully it will be a bit warmer tonight.
I have settled on a Rest Area on the Waterfall Way, west of Bellingen, at the foot of the Ranges on the way to Dorrigo, known as Roses Park. A nice scenic drive through country that I really enjoy. Plenty of forest trees, interspersed with farmland and mountain views in the distance that remind of what is to come. The site would accommodate around 12 Vans comfortably, is grassy with some shade trees and basic facilities of Toilet, Tables, Fireplaces and one BBQ.
 I will share this place with 5 others for an overnight stay before moving on to Grafton via Dorrigo and if time alloys then north along the Summerland Way to Tooloom Falls at Urbenville, which I enjoyed last trip.
















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