Thursday 13 June 2013


  Now listen to this and I bet that you don't believe me. Last night I made camp at Little Lake in the rain. I left my No1, Class A, Super-U-beaut, Rare as Hen's Teeth, Orthopaedic Thongs outside so as not to muddy the floor of the Van. Well, I got up this morning and one Thong had disappeared, I searched everywhere and it was gone for sure. Then I remembered a sign I had seen nearby "BEWARE THERE ARE DINGOS IN THE AREA". Well, that's it then "A DINGO STOLE MY THONG"!
  Now I know how Lindy Chamberlain felt! I was as devastated, my Sister gave me them for Christmas and in any case they will cost 50 bucks to replace.Tonight I have a really sore foot, hobbling around all day with one thong and I didn't appreciate the strange looks in the Supermarket either.
  So if you happen to see a Dingo running around wearing one very smart looking Thong then please let me know urgently, I will go and catch the bugger and get it back. Otherwise if you have a spare Orthopaedic Thong suitable for the right foot, drop me a line, you have an instant sale.
  Bloody Dingos!
For Identification Purposes: This is the Sole Remaining Partner to the Missing Thong
If you see a Dingo with one like this, IT'S MINE!


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