Wednesday 12 June 2013


  A late start today, the Doctor's appointment took longer than I thought. Why is it that an 11am appointment turned into a one and a half hour wait? Frustrating when my mind is 100 kilometres up the road. After a struggle I did manager to break the shackles of his annoyingly in depth consideration of whether I should go on this trip or not. Finally, we agreed that a change to medication was all that is necessary for now. I could have told him that.
  Heading north with my new Stereo belting out Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Barnes and Cold Chisel, The Doors and Deep Purple amongst other favourites from an earlier time. I chuckled to think what the other motorists thought of the old bloke in the Van with the rock music blaring from inside. Its still playing as I type this and I'm  loving reliving the old days.
    My intention was to revisit the Myall Lakes National Park (NSW) and stay at a Camping Spot close to Seal Rocks. Reaching the last 10 kms of gravel road to Seal Rocks in heavy rain it only took 5 kms or so to realise that the road was too rough. Potholes and deep ruts shook the Hiace to the point where I thought of damage pending. So I backtracked a short distance to Little Lake, Neralie, a very nice spot where I had stayed towards the end of the first trip. Right beside the Myall Lakes, in a Paperbark Forest, even the rain couldn't negate its charm.
  I may stay another night if the weather turns for the better or if not I will continue on 100 kms to another known Free Camp at Coopernook near Taree.
Keep watching and I hope that you enjoy coming along for the ride.

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