Saturday 17 August 2013


  So sorry that it has been so long between post, I have not been able to find a reliable Optus Internet connection for about 3 weeks now. If the truth be known I am now about 2000 kms from Townsville in Alice Springs in NT, so yep some catching up to do. I have bought a Telstra Internet Dongle so this should improve from now.
  You may remember that my travelling companions, Jules and Billy needed to have their Motorhome serviced and I needed to fix my Solar charging problem. To do this my friends will stay in a Caravan Park for a week. I stayed there as well but was able to replace the Solar Regulator with a newie bought from trusty Jaycar within 2 days. All working well now. I decided to move on and join John with whom we stayed at Boulder Creek, He was drifting around the nearby Free Camps for a while so why not join him instead of here in a boring Caravan Park. Just prior to leaving Doug, another "Grey Nomad" member also in Townsville staying with relatives, kindly took John and I on a 3 hour tour of Townsville describing the sights along the way. Our tour culminated in a visit to the City lookout which indeed reveals just how big the place really was.
  Townsville is a sprawling City with a population of around 196000 and is situated on the Northern Queensland coast about 1300 kms Nth of Brisbane. The Municipality was established in 1866 and was originally a service centre for the northern Qld Goldfields and later became a service centre for Sugar and Pastoral industries. today, Townsville could be regarded at a garrison Town being the base for the Army's 3rd Brigade Light Infantry, the 11th Army Reserve Brigade,  the 10th Force Support Battalion and the 5th Aviation Regiment with Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters. It is also a major staging point for many overseas operations.
  There is a reasonably large marina and waterfront precinct and a few interesting old buildings in the CBD but otherwise just like any other mid sized City. I unfortunately didn't have the opportunity to explore any further since I was in the hands of Doug our driver.
  With all that over with it was off to join John at the Free Camps, which I describe in the next Post.


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