Saturday 17 August 2013


  There are 4 Free camps within about 30 to 40 Kms of Townsville, Saunders Beach, Bluewater Park, Toomulla Beach and Balgal Beach. I managed to get the chance to stay with John at the first three over the next week. All the Camps have a 48 hr limit of stay which is strictly policed by Rangers who record our Registration Nos. However, they routinely visit on Mondays and Thursdays so it is possible to extend ones stay if smart enough to dodge them.
  First up was Saunders Beach , a nice but very small spot right on the beachfront, 15 kms from Townsville. Really a Car Park where camping is permitted  for about a half dozen or so vans. needless to say, campsites are highly prized. That meant for us, arrive late in the afternoon after the Ranger had gone and sleeping overnight in a parking spot before grabbing the next available legal Camping spot first thing next morning. It worked thank goodness, I enjoyed the next "48" hours and will surely return some day.
  Bluewater Park next, only 15 kms further on next to an unremarkable creek. Although not too bad, a better description would have been "Bluewater Car Park". Rows of northern migrants lined up until there was no room left is the norm here. John and I found a site side by side at the end of the row which suited us rather than being boxed in.
 Finally Toomulla Beach just another 10 kms up the road for a couple more days. Again quite a pleasant spot but strangely not as popular as the others  maybe,  the 7 km drive in from the Hwy puts some off. The Rangers weren't deterred though and dropped in to do their duty. Not much of a beach really and not really friendly for swimming etc. There was a good chance of Saltwater Crocodiles here too! Anyway Jules and Billy caught up with us and after spending a night, we said goodbye to John and made our way west on the long trek to the NT border.
Saunders Beach

Bluewater Park

Toomulla Beach

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