Friday 19 July 2013


Here are some more pictures taken at Boulder Creek for you to hopefully enjoy.
Oh and I must tell you what happened just after we left the Camp to continue on to Townsville. Well, I was following the Motorhome of Billy and Jules along the now very wet track back to the Hwy. Maybe I looked away for a second or so, Billy had stopped the Motorhome in front of me unexpectedly. I was too close and swerved so as not to hit it. Two wheels in a ditch and sliding under brakes I just managed to prevent the Hiace from smashing into the back of Billy's rig stopping alongside with only a broken door mirror. Very close to a major problem for both of us and being way out here in the Cane fields...not good. needless to say I shakily continued at a safer distance from there on.
(Click on a picture to Enlarge)

Continuing our walk along the Creek this time upstream

Fun around the Campfire on "State of Origin" Footy night

            In the Background                                       Billy in blue Jules (Julie), right and John left

In memory of the Farmer's son our died at 22 yrs

The infamous road back to the Hwy

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