Thursday 11 July 2013


  Yes I am still breathing! Internet connectivity has been atrocious for quite a while, either non existent or woefully slow preventing any Blog posting. I will try to bring you up to date.
  After revisiting Tooloom Falls and spending a pleasant couple of days I moved on to Boonah in Qld. The plan was to meet up with my fellow "Grey Nomad Forum" friends Billy and Jules. As they were delayed in Brisbane on family business I waited almost 2 weeks at Boonah Showgrounds. I enjoyed my time there just relaxing. it's a nice little town so didn't mind at all.
   My original plan for this trip was to explore as much of Qld as possible before the wet season. Billy and Jules however have asked me to accompany them on a trek to Alice Springs and Uluru. I jumped at the chance as I would prefer not to go that way alone. Plans are fluid out here and we now have agreed to travel to Townsville on the Far North Queensland coast and hopefully meet up with other "Grey Nomads". From there the idea is to travel west to Mt Isa and the into NT and the Alice. Jules has a family occasion to attend in Alice at the end of August so we will be taking our time. I will post as we go so you too may enjoy the trip with me. Beware though I have no idea when Internet connections will be available so please check the Blog for updates regularly. Bring on the NBN!

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