Thursday 10 October 2013


 The day that I left Mt Dutton Bay, the wind still blew, rain drizzled annoyingly and it was cold. Oh for the outback sun, even though it can be hot, I won't complain again.Travelling SE to Port Lincoln might bring a change I hoped.
  The Port is the southern most city on the Eyre Peninsula and was only about 40 kms from Mt Dutton.To me it seemed a confused metropolis with a surburbia that I found a tad unattractive, a  foreshore dominated by a large commercial jetty and a history buried and hard to identify. I may be being unkind, the harbour, Boston Bay, reported to be 3 times as big as Sydney, even in this bleak weather is appealing. Port Lincoln, named by Matthew Flinders in honour of his native Lincolnshire, in England, is today home to the country's largest fishing fleet and is the regarded as the seafood and aquaculture capital of Australia. A shopping trip at Woolies was all I need to complete before continuing on to today's intended destination.
 Now we're heading NE on the eastern shore of the Spencer Gulf on the final leg of the circumference of the Eyre Peninsula.
   I must pause to show you what I reckon is the ultimate "Grey Nomad" rig, a 1920's Ford ute complete with plywood teardrop that I came across during a comfort stop at Tumby Bay.
  It would have been easy to miss the turnoff from the Lincoln Hwy to Lipson Cove without the prior knowledge that I had. A tiny sign leading to a gravel road that stretched to the horizon. 12 kms of good dirt road through farm land then over a low hill brought me to Lipson Cove with its sandy beach and a small island where seabirds rested. Although there were a couple of other vans here there was enough room to find a secluded spot right near the water out of the wind that I was really getting sick of. As the sign at the entrance said there were some remains of a jetty but no sign of the wrecked ketch unfortunately, and the remains of the Shearer's quarters had all but disintegrated. It was a nice place to be however, the weather improved next day, so I stopped here for 3 nights exploring the beach during the day.

I found these unusual rock formations interesting

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