Tuesday 24 September 2013


  Mt Dutton bay is referred to as a Town, I didn't find the General Store nor the Hotel that is unlicensed (and  so has no beer) that I expected. The information that I had told me that Mt Dutton Bay has a proud history as busy port "in the days when Ketches plied the waters of the Eyre Peninsula collecting wheat and wool for markets in Europe".  The Jetty and the nearby Woolshed are heritage listed and reflect this legacy. By now it was blowing hard with heavy rain and really uncomfortable at the campground beside the Woolshed on the point. I needed to find some protection from the wind which I found a short distance away at Farm Beach that had a little campsite for $5 a night.

 Playing with the camera at Farm Beach campground

Even the pigeons thought it was miserable weather!

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