Monday 16 September 2013


  The aspect of this leg of the trip that intrigued me most was the sudden and unexpected change in the countryside. Leaving Lake Hart, the roadside view continued as before, with early flowering shrubs and bushes next to the road changing to low trees, scrub and saltbush further in. Then gradually, things began to change, until just after Woomera we found ourselves surrounded by a landscape that can be described only as desert or at least desolate. Miles in every direction, of treeless plains interspersed with hilly stretches and Salt Lakes that varied in size. This spectacular vista extended past the defence area of Woomera and almost all the way to Port Augusta, a distance of around 200 kms.

                                                                               Nothing for miles out here

The Salt Lakes are sometimes spectacular

                Lagoon Lake is the largest in the are

 An Island in Lagoon Lake


 In the distance, Billy and Jules in their Motorhome  followed by Mel in hers

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