Saturday 24 August 2013


  "When will we get there?". Soon, just be patient and keep reading.
It's Free Camps all the way for the next (800 kms) leg on straight road with little vegetation, mainly red dusty plains, constantly dry and hot.
  The first night out of Cloncurry found us at the WW11 Airfield Memorial Free Camp, a red dirt strip beside the Hwy about half way between Cloncurry and Mt Isa. The imaginative may find some evidence of an Airfield, maybe the flat area between the road and the nearby line of low hills and the small plaque that marked the spot but gave no information. I did find my own "Dinosaur" bone and three old blokes having a sing along beside a Caravan. The little things amuse out here.

The bloke at the back played the spoons

There are thousands of Termite Mounds all around this area

 The next stop, Mt Isa, that I found a bit of a disappointment. Billy describes it as a sad Town with a giant smokestack all that it seemingly has on show. I suppose I would need more time here to appreciate "The Isa" a bit more.  To me there is no comparison with MT Isa and the other great mining Town, Broken Hill that was full of interesting stuff. I did manage to buy a Telstra Internet Dongle here (after experiencing some woeful service from the staff). Internet connection should theoretically improve from here as Optus has now run out of puff.

  On to the Barkly Hwy and to Camooweal a mere 25 kms or so from the NT/Qld border.  Now this does feel "Outback", fuel at $1.98/l, a Pub and 2 garages for a Town and a Free Camp at "The Billabongs" in a dry riverbed beside the bridge. It feels strangely Ok though, enough to stay 2 nights to rest up. It's also "WTPD" i.e. "wait till pension day"  as the Grey Nomads say when money is running low. I liked the "bushiness", peaceful surroundings and the chance to stroll along the old river bed looking for interesting something of interest.

Camooweal Billabongs

Taking a stroll through the bush

Only 2 more nights to "The Three Ways" Roadhouse, which were spent at Wonarah Bore and 41 Mile Bore, 2 Free Camp roadside Rest Areas on the way. Both now unused dry bores that at least are spaced at a natural distance that invites the traveller to overnight. There were others at both spots sharing the same thought.
Wonarah Bore NT 

41 Mile Bore NT

  And then, arrival at the famous Roadhouse. It is strategic in that any traveller from the east must pass by here, at the junction of the Barley and Sturt Hwys. Turn right for 1500 kms or so to Darwin or as we did, turn left for 600 kms to Alice Springs, then about another 1000 kms via Coober Pedy SA and eventually, to Port Augusta SA and civilisation. Fuel turned out to be $1.90, very reasonable for this far west.

 Oops a dirty windscreen!

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