Monday 26 August 2013


  I really did find "The Marbles" to be a remarkable place and for me a definite "Bucket List" entrant. Astonishing in the way huge, rounded,  boulders are delicately balanced on top of others or neatly stacked in piles. The whole site is about 2 square Kms with a central campground ($3.30 per night) near the most easily accessible formations. We spent much of the next 2 days exploring and taking many Photos. (As you will see below. So many that I have needed 2 posts to provide all of them, the second of which where taken at dusk after a hot day).
  Again I have cheated a bit and included facts taken from the Information board to explain how the formations came about and some of the Aboriginal significance.
  It was hot here with temps inside the Hiace reaching 49.5c during the day. Too hot inside so under the shade of the awning for most of the day was necessary. So far we haven't seen rain for 29 days and not even a cloud for 2 weeks!
One more thing, on the morning that we were leaving a Dingo decided to visit the Camp and sit for a while.

There were Dingo Warning Signs around the campsite

The Marvellous Devil's Marbles

All the Info that you need from the Info Board

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