Monday 4 March 2013



   It's Friday 1st March and I have just arrived at Yarrie Lake, 30klms from the Narrabri Information Centre. It has been raining heavily for most of the afternoon and now there is a 35 knot wind that's making things a bit uncomfortable although at least it isn't cold. The road in was bitumen except for the last kilometre of gravel, not too bad but a bit corrugated. I think I am learning what to expect of gravel roads, as I seem to be feeling more relaxed negotiating them. The rain however, did cause some worry as there were half a dozen causeways to cross, each with fast flowing water, up to a foot deep.
I needed to go back to first gear at times in the deeper ones. A family car may have not have handled it but the old Hiace wasn't troubled. Any deeper though and I would have had to turn back.
  The Campground is quite spacious and well laid out beside the lake, which is on the small size, I guess about 2 - 3 klms in circumference. There are about 6 powered stes and plenty of room for unpowered camping. Cost is $20 per night with power or $15 for CMCA members, which I am. There is a Caretaker on site, a husband and wife, whom I later found out are Volunteers having a break from travelling. They where nice, inviting me inside for a chat. There are many covered tables and some fireplaces dotted around the grass covered site, the roads linking the sites are good and the water drains quickly. It's a nice spot and I am going to stay 2 nights to let the road dry out. The amenities block, a Council Park type, is clean with hot showers. Apparently, the lake is used mainly for skiing, it is only 2 metres deep and the Park is maintained by Volunteers from the local Ski Club. I did notice that there were plenty of areas on the way in, right next to the lake with covered tables that would be very private and good for free camping if self contained. I will consider that option if I am ever back here.
  It's Saturday and there is one ski boat out on the Lake. The rain has stopped and the ground has drained well, still overcast and a comfortable 26c. There is still a strong SE wind and the skiers have just given up. I am taking the time to prepare my Blog updates but I can't post them as the Optus signal is very weak and unreliable so Internet is not possible. I will have to wait until my next couple of days with a good signal.
  Tomorrow I am packing up and will explore Narrabri for a while, then do some shopping before turning North East on the Bingara to Narrabri Road. There is at least one free camp spot that I am aware of at Rocky Creek so, if that's OK I may stay for a day or two, then on to Bingara which I hear is not too bad.



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