Monday 4 March 2013


  A fairly straight forward Town of 8000, about the same size as Glen Innes but without the impact. The very wide streets gave the impression of pleasant openness. There where some nice old Buildings but the Heritage Drive map that I got from the Info Centre was hard to follow while driving and I found out latter that I missed quite a few, oh well!
  Strangely, Narrabri is exactly the same distance from Sydney as it is from Brisbane, 560 klms. It is near to New England country and the Mt Katapur National Park, some of which I will be visiting. It is also famous for having the CSIRO Australian (Radio) Telescope about 25 klms away. Unfortunately the weather is awfull so I doubt if I will get to see it this trip.
  This is the country of the Kamilaroi ( Gam-ill-a-roy) Aboriginal people whose land extends North to Goodiwindi, West to Lightning Ridge and South to Quirindi, a huge area that has been occupied for 40,000 years!
  The story of George "The Barber" Clarke is interesting as he is credited as being the first white inhabitant of the area. George who was a Convict shipped from England for armed robbery in 1825 and escaped soon after his arrival from a farm near Singleton. He painted himself black, took 2 Aboriginal  wives and roamed the plains, naked with the natives and stealing cattle. Upon his recapture in 1831, his tall stories of a Kindur River that flowed into an inland sea prompted exploration and settlement that resulted in sheep and cattle raising and the proclamation of the Town of Narrabri in 1860. 
  The climate around here would be quite pleasant  year round with Summer Temps ranging from 20 to 39c and Winter 0 to 20c. The shire is a major Cotton growing centre with the harvest due to start late March. Wheat, Barley Oats, Canola, Chick Peas, Field Pees and Lindseed ready to plant soon in April. A few other important crops are also grown.
 My overall impression was of a nice enough place without having a lot to hold one's attention for long.
 Narrabri Post Office Constructed between 1879 and 1888
The Original Town Hall Clock Tower now a Memorial
                           Bank Building 

Lovely old Building maybe a Pub in the past

1 comment:

  1. You are correct about the last building! Only within the last decade did it stop functioning as a pub.
