Friday 22 March 2013


 My next stop via the tiny Hamlets of Dripstone, Mumbil, Stuart Town and Euchareena is Molong. A couple of things on the way are worth a mention I had picked up a story in Wellington about StuartTown. There is a rich Gold Mining History around Stuart Town with the first discoveries made in 1840 and a major Gold Rush occurring in 1851, when thousands of Men worked the area. Formally known as Ironbarks, it was a favourite haunt of Bushranger, Ben Hall and his Gang who operated all around these parts. A map of the Town shows the location of at 40 or 50 diggings in what became the residential streets. The population of around 6000 at the height of The Rush is long gone with a miserly 104 now in residence. There is virtually nothing left here now and nothing worthy of a Photograph either. The other thing that I saw on the road worth a mention was a little Anglican Church sitting alone on top of a hill about 20 kms from Molong and overlooking the vast Wine Grape Vineyards that are all around this section of road. These Vineyards are huge with lines of vines seemingly stretching for kilometres into the distance, an uncountable number of plants. I didn't recognise any of the names of the properties.


  Sunday and Market Day brings many to tiny Molong a Boutique Town to the people of Dubbo and surrounding districts I imagine. with nice Heritage Building stock and a carnival atmosphere it was a change from the norm for me. The market was "Crafty" and jars of Jam and Honey didn't interest me but the old Cobb & Co. Coach House did. Built of stone and old timbers it looked authentic, I had a look inside and sneaked a Photo at the dismay of one Attendant it seemed. The for my usual walk along the short Main Street taking Snapshots as I went.

The Cobb & Co Coach House


The Heritage Buildings of Molong's Main Street

                     The Railway Station


  I was back in the Hiace planning my next move when I received a phone call from an old Friend John who once had a large property near Parkes and knows all the districts that I am about to travel through very well. I had intended to turn SW and go to Forbes via Eugowra. John has convinced me instead to change my route to include Canowindra. He knows the type of places that I like so I will take the advice and an extra day to travel that way, then on to Cowra, Forbes, Parkes and Trundle. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Have just discovered your blog spot and found it very interesting and refreshing. As a single lady on the road (not fulltime tho) in my mitsubishi express poptop your blog has given me insight into places to stay and I love the pics.
    Thanks and keep on blogging.
    Tracey Baas
