Friday 22 March 2013


 I took the 30 km Scenic Drive from Wellington to the Lake, along The Burrendong Way, through hilly Country populated with Native Box and Ironbarks.  Lake Burrendong AKA Burrendong Dam. the name meaning "Native bear" in the Aboriginal language of the Region, is also a State Recreation Park. Like Copeton Dam and Keepit Dam , put "State Park" in the name and it will turn out to be a fizzer.
 Boom Gates at the entrance and signs aplenty telling all what they cannot do. Its cheap enough at $16 with Power but that is about all you get. The Camping Area is small with just a few spots on bear ground and if you are lucky to get one, the odd Shade Tree. Most of the area is taken up with permanent Caravans complete with ante-rooms, and Cabins, both permanent and for rent are intermingled. It appears that most people come here to Water Ski or Fish as there are many boats parked around the place. I am on a hill, at least a Kilometre from the waters edge. Any view of the water is obliterated either by the large Kiosk Building and adjoining Swimming Pool or by the Rental Cabins perched on the side of the hill. The Amenities Block is at least 200 metres away, If I did not have to pay to get in I probably would not have stayed here.  
  The Dam looks about half full with a couple of large, low, Islands that I assume are covered at times. The general district from well before Dubbo to here and further on I suspect, has not seen rain for a while, the roadside lined with dry brown grass and no water at all in the Farm Dams or Creeks. It seems the 2 weeks of rain that I experienced further West around Walgett and North on the New England Tablelands never reached the Western Plains. It is said that lake Burrendiong has a capacity three and a half times that of Sydney Harbour when full and was constructed in 1967 for flood mitigation purposes. Now water released into the Macquarie River satisfies the needs of Dubbo, Naromine and Warren further downstream.
  Photo opportunities were scarce, I did my best.

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