Thursday 22 May 2014


  There was one more stage of this outback adventure to complete before we again join the mainstream in Mt Isa. Ahead lay 300 kms of the Diamantina Development Road, another single lane minor route that I knew, due to it's excellent, well maintained surface, would be a pleasure to transverse. There was one problem though, Dajarra, an Aboriginal Community, about half way into the trip seemed to be the only place that we could stay overnight and we where unsure if we would be welcomed by the locals or indeed if it was safe. Then, as sometimes happens when least expected, a stroke of serendipity. Whilst refuelling at Boulia I had a chance conversation with a nice lady who described herself as the mail delivery operator. When questioned about free camping possibilities near Dajarra, she gladly offered that there was a secluded unmapped waterhole about 15 kms to the north of the settlement where we could safely stay. Needless to say I was popular with the others in the group when I rejoined them with this information.
  So off to find our treasured hiding place. a lovely little oasis, almost hidden from the road, with a small water catchment surrounded by interesting looking rock formations that resembled those of "the Pebbles" near Tennant Creek ( on our list to a visit in the near future). A herd of resident cattle and abundant birdlife served to add some extra charm. Although Dajarra did not seem alarming or unsafe, I recommend anyone travelling this way to seek out the waterhole, directions to which can be obtained from the Dajarra Roadhouse.



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