Wednesday 30 April 2014


  An overnight stop at Redbank Park near the tiny hamlet of Jericho turned into two since the quiet and peaceful setting made it hard to leave. We have also heard that another "Grey Nomad" member, Colleen, will be joining us for the trip to Darwin and the west, it will take her a couple of days to reach us so we need to slow up until then.
 Jericho tries hard to be noticed; with only a General Store and a Cafe they needed something of interest so they created the "World's smallest Drive-in Theatre" with room for only 36 cars, probably the total number of cars in town. Just in case this wasn't enough the community has also constructed the "Crystal Trumpeters" monument in the centre of the main ( and only) street to celebrate the biblical tale describing the fall of the walls of Jericho. I am sure that the townsfolk think it is very impressive and admire it as the routinely pass by each day.

The Jericho Drive-in

The Crystal Trumpeters

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