Monday 17 March 2014


  Now we are in Qld but only just, right on the border with NSW in Texas. Its around 250 kms from Bingara via back roads that scaled even more highland ranges. I prefer not to travel more than 150 to 200 klms per day if possible, so included overnight stops at Warialda (previously described in a post} and tiny Ashford, that appeared to be closed for the day.
  The friendly town is small with a population of about 700 and a couple of dozen buildings with, except for the old RSL, little historical interest. Texas is "RV friendly" and it was refreshing to find clean facilities that even included a free hot shower, had been provided for travelers, conveniently located in the centre of the main street. A large area has also been set aside for Free Camping beside the Dumaresq River just 1 km from the main street and the aforementioned facilities. There was plenty of room for me and the dozen or so other Campers and it was quiet and peaceful. After a pleasant walk along the river banks to take some photos, I decided to stay a couple of days.

(Click on a photo to enlarge it)

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