Wednesday 6 November 2013


  Hey dear Reader, it has been quite a while I know since my last post but circumstances have prevented contact. Internet connection problems and a minor health issue has slowed progress. I have now settled in one place for a few weeks and so will soon have everything up to date.
  Following on from the last posting, I made my way from Wilpena Pound back to Hawker from where I took the R.M. Williams Way with the intention of eventually following the Murray River into Victoria. This route took me through the tiny village of Craddock with a couple of notable historic buildings, then on to Carrieton where one of the biggest Rodeos in SA is held each December. Carrieton also has a Town mural that they are proud of,  that consists of 900 hand-sculptured and painted tiles that depict a variety of activities dating back to the 1870s. Moving on my day ended at Orroroo, a pleasant little spot that was almost deserted, it being Sunday. Here, I stopped at the Information Centre where I enjoyed a long chat with a local lady volunteering on that day. I discovered that not far from Orroroo lies Goyder's Line on the road to Port Augusta between Orroroo and Wilmington. The line marks where pastoral and grazing lands meet. Surveyor General. George Woodroffe Goyder mapped the line in 1865 which became an important factor in the state's settlement as it indicated the limits of reliable cropping land. Finally I settled for the night at a bushy roadside stop on the Wilmington road about 8 kms from Orroroo.

Old Buildings in Craddock dating from 1879

This and above is the old gaol now a residence

Sleepy Carrieton on a Sunday

Orroroo SA

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