Thursday 14 November 2013


  Burra Creek Reserve is just off the Barrier Hwy about 16 kms SE of the town of Burra. Since the Hwy bypasses Burra I didn't pay a visit but have heard since that it an interesting place so will definitely call in next time I am in the area. The reserve is marked at it's entrance by an old abandoned sandstone homestead and is a fairly large Council sponsored area that stretches along a small gorge and small dry creek set amongst farmland. The place is pleasant enough without being spectacular. In saying that the many stately Gum Trees with their huge buttress trunks that were scattered throughout the gorge sure were impressive. I reckon some of them must be more than a hundred or more years old. Anyway, Burra Creek is a good place to rest up for a day or two, as I did, after a few days of travel.

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