Tuesday 15 October 2013


 Warren Gorge was my first look at the ranges and a delight it was too. Just 22 klms from Quorn mostly on an excellent gravel road that was in fact being graded and resurfaced as I passed through. There was a shallow, creek crossing to negotiate on entering the Gorge proper, which may have been a problem if it had been raining but no issue today for the trusty Hiace. I am pleased to say that with care I seem to be able to get into most places even when a 4x4 is recommended. The trick is use common sense, take it slow and don't continue if it is risky.
  The Gorge is a beautiful place, quite small but with easy access along the entire length. It was possible to camp close to the Gorge floor and even though there were a few other campers here, there was plenty of room to spread out and find a private spot. I stayed for a full 3 days enjoying the bird life.  A local lady in Quorn told me to look out for the Yellow Tailed Rock Wallaby that although scarce may be around. With great luck, I did manage to see a few, very timid, staying well off. The pictures required a lot of camera zoom to take.Large old River Gums and rugged, bright, ochre coloured, rock formations helped to add to the feeling of wilderness. The purple flowers, I think they are a weed, added to the colour scheme. They are not only found here but all over the countryside in the surrounding district. Not much more to say except that if you are nearby at any time I suggest that you visit Warren Gorge for a pleasant experience.

                                                                                           These Tadpoles were about 50mm long!

Do you think this is for real?

These little blokes are very common all over SA
                                                                                                             Are these weeds?      

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