Wednesday 16 October 2013


 Parachilna IS the Prairie Hotel along with an abandoned school and a couple of run down houses. It is  located on a straight stretch of the road to Lyndhurst on a desolate plain, 90 kms north of Hawker. The little Pub is dominated by the dining room which is famous for the excellent food served and of course the "Road Kill Platter" a combination of a fillet of Kangaroo, one of Emu and a Camel sausage for $35. Other menu offerings where Roo, Emu or Camel Burgers and an excellent BEEF steak sandwich that I had for $20. The Camel sausage turned me off the "Platter".The Prairie is very popular and the place was full. It is school holidays in SA and there were many families with heaps of kids.
  I had to stay the night since it was too late to drive on. The only place to stay, other than in the Pub, was in the old School grounds that had toilets and cold showers for $10 per night. This turned out to be an experience. A dust storm developed soon after dark with winds of 60 Kms or more that rocked the Hiace until I expected it to roll over. I didn't get much sleep.
  My plan tomorrow, is to continue north, stopping at Beltana Station, and its heritage town and then on to Lyndhurst and eventually to the ruins of Farina.

The Prairie Hotel

The Old Abandoned School and mow Camping Area

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