Monday 16 September 2013


  160 kms and a "drop in a bucket" trip these days until we reach minuscule Minnipa and turnoff to the north for Pildappa. The excellent dirt road of about 15 kms through grazing land ended with a return to the feel of the outback. "The Rock" is situated in scrub country with typical red dirt soils encircling. Apparently it is isolated granite inselberg (google that if you want more info) and is a spectacular wave-like formation. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries. the site was a vital watering point on the stock route to the Gawler Ranges. There is a small, simple campground for the cost of a donation. Although impressive, I argued with Billy that Pildappa was better than  "The Marbles". The rock is about 500 metres in circumference, 20 metres high and climbable but not for me with my sore leg.
  Sadly, here is where I depart to continue my journey alone. I have been travelling with Billy and Jules for around 2 months and we have become good friends. I am pleased to say that when things went a bit wrong they both stood by to help me and displayed a loyalty that I will not forget. Hopefully this separation will only be for a few months as we intend to join up again for a major trip to Darwin and the West Coast that may last for most of next year.
  My plans are to reach Ceduna for a leg checkup and then descend south east for an exploration of the Eyre Peninsula over the next couple of weeks.

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