Thursday 19 September 2013


 There is an Hospital at Elliston so I decided to call in and have my burn checked out as it was feeling better and I wanted to remove the bandages if I could. How frustrating that simple task turn out to be. I was attended to by an old male Nurse who instead of doing as I asked spent 25 minutes telling me why he was too busy to look after me. He could have done the job well within that time. I eventually left after he told me to come back in a few hours, obviously after he had knocked off. I eventually took the bandages off myself and saw that the burn had all but healed so there will be no more mention of my injury.
 Whilst here I looked around and determined that Elliston was OK with some  nice views and a small but friendly looking Town Centre.

  A bit further south and another 12 kms of gravel road that led from the Hwy to the beach. Another rugged and quite pretty place with it's own primitive Campsite. For most of the day I managed to revel in having the beach all to myself until around late afternoon a number of others also discovered the site. I would have stayed longer than one night but I don't like crowds that destroy the impact of a secluded spot. And besides, their generators are a pain to put up with. Why don't they use effective Solar Power (like me) as it costs about half as much as a generator and doesn't need fuel?

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