Friday 30 August 2013


 We had  stayed another night at Curtin Springs in the hope that Mel may return as without phone reception here She cannot contact us. No show so, we set out for the long trip to Coober Pedy. We planned to make three overnight stops which turned out to be at Marryatt Rest Area, Marla Roadhouse and Mathesons Bore, each 150 to 170 kms apart.
  Marryatt was very basic with only one thing to note, flies, thousands of them that swarm to the face as soon as you venture outside. I had noticed that the number of flies have gradually increased as we move south. Not a problem at Alice Springs, annoying at Ayers Rock and Curtin Springs and maddening here. I must find out why, probably something to do with the climate I expect. Billy and Jules sensibly wear head nets that allow them to move about without going crazy. I will be getting one as soon as I can, I assure you.
  Marla roadhouse was a an oasis in the middle of not much at all. A hot shower, a decent meal for a change and a rest from driving for $10 per head per night was indeed good value.

 Last stop before Coober Pedy at Mathesons Bore, a large area of dirt in the scrub beside the Sturt Hwy, which turned out to be a popular place. By morning, about 10 other vans had joined us. Other than a few wild flowers that I found during a walk around there again is not much to report.

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