Monday 26 August 2013


  So to "The Alice", 420 kms south of "The Devils Marbles" through some unexpectedly picturesque country (via a stopover at Prowse Gap that didn't even rate a picture). I had the idea that desert sand was all that could be seen out here, not so, a surprisingly vegetative and at times quite beautiful environment is to be found in it's place. Again, a scenery change every so often, keeps my interest and affords some respite from the boredom of straight road driving.
  Alice Springs, completely different to what I had imagined, a "Cowboy" town with wandering drunk Aborigines in the streets. Far from that, a very respectable community is reality, a small place that was quiet and seemed to be getting on with things OK. I felt more than comfortable driving around or walking the streets sightseeing. The Aboriginal residents in general kept their distance and didn't appear to want to talk but deserved my respect in every way.There were no drunks or people otherwise out of order in my short experience here.
  I had another reason to be pleased with Alice Springs as I will explain. For those long term readers of my posts, you may remember that ever since the early days of my first trip, I have experienced an intermittent gearbox seizing problem. Well it became worse and more frequent until, just as I was entering Town, BANG no gears and very little clutch. I managed to hobble to a Caravan Park in 3rd gear and to assess. This is where it gets good. AT 11.30 am I rang the NRMA in NSW who contacted the NT equivalent. A Tow Truck was sent and arrived at around 12.30pm which took the Hiace to a local repairer. It seemed that I would have to borrow a tent from Billy for e who knows how long. 2  hours later and a call to the repairer, they had found the problem, a faulty Clutch Slave Cylinder and had the part. By 4pm that day I had the Hiace back, fixed and at a cost of only $200. needless to say I was very happy. I don't know of any place, including my Hometown where such prompt service would be provided. Through all this I am very pleased to say that my friends, Billy, Jules and Mel refused to leave me until the problem was fixed no matter how long it took even though they too had to pay Park fees. "One for All and All for One" they said, how nice!.  We ended up staying 3 nights at the Alice just because it felt good.
We passed over the Tropic of capricorn on the way in to Alice Springs

                                                                         There are only 2 short Main streets in The Alice

From the Anzac Hill Lookout

The Todd River which runs through Town rarely has any water

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