Tuesday 21 May 2013

THE END OF TRIP No1 (Statistics)

  That's the end of Trip No1. I am back in Nelson Bay for about 3 weeks. I have bought a 200 watt Solar Panel that will be fitted to the Hiace roof next week, some minor additions will be made inside and it will have a full service. Then I'm off again this time to Far north Qld for an indefinite period. I loved every minute of this first sojourn and can't wait until I can get going again. please keep an eye on this blog for more posts. Before I leave I will add amongst other things a selection of my favourite Photos and maybe a bit more poetry if you are into that.
  Below is a summary of the trip. I used "Nomad Notes" software which is really easy to use and kept a detailed account of all costs, fuel use etc. At $49.95 it is well worth the money and only takes about 5 mins per day to keep up to date.
Trip No1 Summary

Total Distance: 8652 kms
Duration: 93 Days

Fuel Usage and Cost

Total Litres used: 801
Average Price:     $1.55
Total Cost:           $1246
Average Cost:      $0.14 per km
Economy:             9.26 Litres/100 km or 11 km/Litre


Total Cost:          $700
Average/Night:   $7.70


Groceries:           $1017.75
Dining Out:        $135.00
Takeaway:          $169.50
Miscellaneous:   $150.00
Phone Charges:  $52.00
Equipment:        $55.50
Van Repairs:      $89.00 ( 1 x Tyre)

Total Trip Costs:     $3628.00
Average Cost/Day:  $39.00

 The ya go folks!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve, thanks so much for your interesting and informative blog, with fabulous photos of our great land and a little insight into the life of Solo Steve.
    Looking forward to the next episode.
