Tuesday 21 May 2013


  Here is another one of my efforts. Leave a comment and let me know what you think, please be gentle it's early days still.
Seasons calling from beyond my reach
A strange and awsome beckoning
What is the lesson that they teach
Of this a life worth reckoning
And once remembring other times
When winters felt as springs
I failed to hear their rhymes
Dim light did shadow over things
Oh that was thence an older  time
When no response to rule was made
A youth still strong and in it's prime
No need to look into the shade
Then summers ruled eternal sun
And deeper thought best left alone
This one alive enjoy the fun
No fault in life no need to moan
Those same rules they do take hold
Committed statutes then take shape
To break away from them too bold
The shadows now become a cape
A family there they need some things
Alone one giver milk and bread
All this requires round finger rings
To break away is to feel dread
Some happy times here must agree
The good the worst joined in a duel
Small faces look up from the knee
To run from that indeed is cruel
Years and tears have come then gone
Same faces now look eye to eye
A finger bare where gold had shone
Will stay as that with fear to lie
Now just one berth none left beside
Must plot a path get through new days
Can this be true no need to hide
From changes that repel old ways
In recent times has come a change
At first a whisper through the night
Along way off well out of range
Then calling stronger with bright light
Winter warm nowhere near spring
Well could it be a chance again
That seasons call so load ears ring
And lessons teach to stop the rain
They show no map and no great plan
Instead within just look they say
A chart there lives for every man
Just follow that to find the way

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