Thursday 2 May 2013


  I have left the dusty climes of The Ridge and travelled through much greener parts today. I can really see the difference that some water makes with the countryside now green and lush and the road lined with Forest and Woodland. The Creeks and Dams even have water in them and plenty of it. I think from what I have seen that the West is indeed near drought.

  I called in to Hebal Pub and the General Store across the road, that makes up Hebel. The Pub is a good example an old Country Hotel and would be little changed from when in it's prime. I had sandwiches at the Store before turning 90 degrees right and on to today's destination, Dirranbandi.

 It turned out to be a tiny "Main Street" Town with the usual Pub and a couple of Stores, nice enough. My overnight here is a Free Camp (there is a Caravan Park in Town which comes with some recommendation), beside the Malone Minor Bridge a couple of kms from the Pub.
  It turned out Ok beside I assume the Balone River (or Creek) with 2 others here also. No facilities at all but safe and quiet. The river was obviously much lower than usual , with recent flood high level marks still evident on the River Gums, about 5 or 6 metres above where the water level was now. A nice Sunset filtered by the trees made the stopover worthwhile.

Is this a Sunset or are the Trees on fire!


The River at Balone Minor Bridge

A Spider's web in the Setting Sun

  Tomorrow my aim is to reach Nindigully Pub and Free Camp, a bit of a legend amongst Grey Nomads and other seasoned travellers.

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