Saturday 18 May 2013


    Whilst at Lake Leslie I made contact with my good friends and fellow Grey Nomads, Jules and Billy. There were staying at Kalbar Showgrounds a short 70 kms or so to the NE of Warwick. So to there I went for a couple of days to rest up. Not much at Kalbar, a Pub, couple of shops and a few houses and farms are all that make up the tiny hamlet. Whilst here I did get the opportunity to meet some of Jules'  lovely Family who live nearby and a couple of their friends. Another bonus was a great sunset behind the hills of Kalbar.

From here I will travel south and just across the border back into NSW and to a recommended Free Camp, Tooloom Falls. On the way will pass through the nearby Town of Boonah, and stop into Maroon Dam for a look.
Boonah Pub and the Surrounding Country


Maroon Dam


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