Monday 15 April 2013


I did not want to drive all the way from Mildura to Broken Hill in one day to arrive late in the day needing to find a place to stay. Around mid afternoon travelling north along the Silver City Hwy I found the solution. Tiny     Bunnerungee Bridge. There is no traffic so I stopped on the Bridge looking over to see surprisingly a small Creek and a shady cleared area beside it with a Drop Toilet nearby. A Caravan and a large Winnebago are on the banks of the Creek. OK, this will do, so down to set up Camp between the two others. Very nice here and cool on what has been a 35c day.



  The Winnebago's asked me over and for a yarn. Andy a retired lifetime Interstate Truckie and Anita his wife. Both weather beaten and in there 70s they once lived on the road for 12 years straight but now travel only for a few months at a time. Lovely people, Andy recanting stories of their travels with Anita nodding as if to acknowledge their authenticity and occasionally adding her bit. The one about finding a Bloke who had committed suicide in his car and another where they pulled a Woman and a Man from a crashed car, the man later dying, were a bit gruesome. they were generally interested in hearing my story too and made me feel as if I had known them for ages. Andy told me of another stop between here and Broken Hill, Popiltah Lake. It was now well after dark, Andy gave me a card with their number and invited me to stay at there place if I was near where they lived in Qld. I went back to the Hiace after promising to meet up at Popiltah Lake tomorrow.
  We did catch up at the lake next morning. Amazingly Andy told me that he had been here many times while Trucking and had not seen water here for at least 20 years. The area is a protected regeneration zone so it wasn't possible to get any closer. It was busy with at least another 6 Caravans parked. Me, along with all the others resumed our respective journeys to where ever.

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