Sunday 7 April 2013


  My next goal is to reach Greens Lake across the border and into Victoria between Echuca and Shepparton. There are a couple of routes to choose from. One is to follow the Newell Hwy all the way to Finley  to Tocumwal and then across the Border. Another, and my preferred option is to take the Newell Hwy to Narrandera, the Sturt Hwy and then the Cobb Hwy to Echuca, a more interesting alternative I thought. in any case a long trip which I expect will take 3 days to complete. With quite a few Free Camps identified I should get by. There will be one Caravan Park included since a shower will soon be a necessity. The first leg is Lake Cargelligo to Deniliquin via West Wyalong with an Overnight on the way.
  120 kms got me to West Wyalong by mid morning through now familiar uninspiring country. A Town of medium size with a population variously quoted at between 2300 and 3000. with a rich Gold Mining history there is a crooked Main Street (similar to "Bendy Street" in Canowindra) that is said to follow the original Bullock Track that curved around trees  and gold diggings. The Indigenous occupants of the district were the Wiradjuri and good old John Oxley was the first European to arrive in 1817. Gee that bloke was busy! Oxley didn't think much of the place saying " For want of timber, grass and water, it would never be inhabited by civilised man". well despite this, by 1843, vast Sheep and Cattle runs had been created and the area became known as "The Blands" after a Sydney Doctor. Centralised settlement developed after 1893 when Gold was discovered then in 1894 a Town was proclaimed called Wyalong. By then however, a settlement had developed to the west at "The Main Camp" where the only established water supply existed, "The White Tank". Hence, in 1895 west Wyalong was eventually laid out. The Wyalong Gold fields were very productive right up until the 1920s.
  To my surprise some good examples of Colonial Architecture exist and kept me busy for an hour or so.
The Pubs in West Wyalong
The White Tank Hotel

                          Tattersalls c1894
                                                                                                      The Royal c1914

                      The Metropolitan c1914

                                                                             The Globe
West Wyalong's Churches

Other examples of  the Heritage of West Wyalong


  A mere 50kms down the road I found Mirrool. Research had indicated that Mirrool Pub offered Free Camping facilities and a good feed. Turning off the Hwy it was soon obvious that the 21 people who live here had a sense of humour. Mirrools claim to fame is the annual "Silo Kick" held each October where the aim is to kick a football over the estimated 50 metre high Silos. I don't know if anyone has ever done it but I reckon it to be impossible. Mirrool is tiny with the Silos across the road from the Pub, a Rural Firestation, the modern Campsite with a Children's Playground and a half a dozen houses is all there is. I didn't see a human for the whole time I was there.
  One problem though, the Pub was shut, doesn't open till 3pm and serves dinner only on Sundays. It is Friday and I need a good feed tonight so nothing here for me.

Mirrool Town


  A little further on and a sign pointed the way to the Town of Beckom, why not? A bit bigger than Mirrool with  Residents who with some pride had kept their little Town in top condition. Some nice old Buildings and a collection of antique Farm Machines but nowhere to stay.


   Not too far past Beckom and there was Ardlethan, pre-identified in my "Camps Australia Wide" book as having a Free Camp. A short Main Street with a couple of Pubs (one closed and was now what looked like a residence), a General Store, small Garage and a Cafe made up Ardlethan. The London Hotel advertised that Dinner was served nightly so one tick. The "Lions Park" in the centre of the "The Town of the Kelpie" was my target. A little oasis beside the Railway Line and Station, shady with a modern looking Amenities Block that had a "Pay for Power" box at $2 for 24hrs. Two Caravans parked there so I will too. Soon after selling in an Old local bloke pulled up in a ute and came over. This kindly Gent explained that he was a Lions Club member and wanted to extend a welcome to Ardlethan, he went on to say the the annual Picnic Races were on the next day (Saturday) on his land and that I was more than welcome to attend. How good is that? I thanked him, knowing that I would not be attending making Me feel a bit guilty and he moved on, I image to repeat what he had said to the other Campers.
  Bangers and Mash at the London Hotel was nothing to crow about (in fact pretty awful) but filled the hole.
  Tomorrow, a long day behind the wheel.





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