Monday 4 March 2013


(Thursday 28th February 2013)
 Walgett NSW ANZAC Monument

Walgett is quite small with 2300 in the area, with about 95% of those in the streets being Aboriginal. It was proclaimed a Town in 1885 to serve the Paddle Steamers, used to carry the produce of the area at the time, wool, wood, dried fruit and livestock. These Steamers travelled the Murray River System and also provided Transport for the area. Today, since it is on the Moree Plains (130mtrs) I guess Wheat, Cotton and Livestock are the major agricultural pursuits of the region.
   An Impressive Memorial Statue and Monument to the entrance of the Main Street greeted me as I drove in. It was built in 1923 and the marble Soldier at the top was imported from France. I understand it is where the Service is held on ANZAC Day. The Town is protected by a Levy Bank on the River. Major floods have occurred in 1890, 1921 (13.33 mtrs) and 1950 (13,46 mtrs).
  There were a few shops but many others that looked like they had closed down. A Post Office, Police Station, Court House, Hospital, an RSL Club and that's about it. 
The problem for me was that it didn't seem right, not very inviting or friendly, others may disagree, Maybe it was some pre-conceived idea I had that it wasn't too safe. I went to the Information Centre that doubles as the Library (has Internet facilities). It was modern and well laid out. I have found that most Towns have spent a lot on developing inviting Info Centres, some of them are huge and really impressive and it's always my first stop in a new place. An attractive, young, Lady was on hand to help with enquiries. I learnt that there was a Lions Park 2k out of Town where I could free camp for the night. So I headed there.
  It has been raining pretty hard for a few hours now and as the Town is dead flat (130mtrs Above Sea Level) including where I am now, I expect some minor flooding or at least water on the road tomorrow, so will take it easy. I think they need it as the River is almost empty and the country for miles around looks dry and brown. I did read some local info today that said that it has flooded here a couple of times over the last 3 years, hope it's not again tomorrow, I could not think of worse than being stuck here. And yes, I don't really like this place much, it just doesn't feel right...hard to explain.
  The Apex Travellion park had 6 dedicated spots, with a Toilet block, Covered Tables and 2 free electric BBQs. By now it was pouring with rain so a BBQ was out tonight. I decided that takeaway Chinese would be dinner. As it was now getting dark and there where now other vans here, I was a bit concerned stuck here on my own in the open next to the Hwy. "Toughen up" I said, bought my takeaway and settled down for the night. It's teaming now, but the Van is dry as a bone and pretty warm (if not a bit hot) so all should be OK. There is a reasonable mobile signal here so I may try to get the Blog up to date.
   I intend to leave the Gwydir Hwy tomorrow and turn South East to Burren Junction, Wee Waa and Narrabri.  Good night and please keep reading my posts.

Walgett NSW Apex Trevallion Park

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading your post on Walgett. I agree with your views. My daughter has just moved there and is miserable. They are there for 2 years. She is a city girl. We have a van but we are able to get into there back yard with it.Enjoy your travels. Can't wait until we are on the road again.
