Sunday 10 March 2013


  A short 45 km from the River Gums Caravan Park and I was in Tamworth for Lunch (Macdonalds again he whispers). I had been here a couple of times before, and in any case Towns of this size ( Pop 55000) are really not on my agenda for this discovery tour. So a quick drive around and then 7 km out to Nemingha and the Nundle Road where at the turn-off to Nundle there was the strangest thing. This is a side road with nothing but a few distant farm buildings for miles in all directions and there in the middle of nowhere was a big Church! No Town or any sign of life anywhere, strange.

The Church in The Middle of Nowhere

 From here to Woolomin is another 17 km. I only mentioned this dot on the map because there is a Reserve there where Free Camping is allowed and it had been recommended. Woolomin consists of a general Store and a few houses that are grouped around Nundle Road and a couple of side roads and nothing else. I stopped at the General Store, a cute little house like building, which is the Supermarket, Cafe, Pub and Service Station all in one, real back Country stuff. The nice Lady Owner said that 300 people lived there which I found hard to believe. I asked about Chaffey Dam and found out it was only another 7 km further on so I decided not to check out       above mentioned Reserve and go directly to the Dam instead. So after 10 minutes I was off again.

 Woolomin General Store

Nundle Road Woolamin

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