Monday 18 March 2013


  Half way between Mendooran and Dubbo lies Duneddo. A lunch stop for me only. A Asian Bakery with Pies reheated in a Microwave wasn't for me so I settled on a sandwich which turned out to be the World's worst!. Dunedoo is typical of many small Towns of the District with the Buildings in a line along one side of a short main Street facing the Railway Station. A large Grain Silo there as well which is also common.
  There was an obvious pride here in the Towns war effort with a pleasant little park nest to the Station where I had the awful sandwich. A simple Memorial Plaque listing the names of The Fallen and uniquely, a pair of Pine Trees planted from Cones brought from Lone Pine in Gallipoli. Another feature is the Commemorative Stone and Plaque in remembrance of the Tooraweehnah to Bathurst Recruitment March of 1918 which passed through Dunedoo. I did not see an Information sign so that's all that I know.


The rest of the Photo opportunities were of the usual Post Office, Council Chambers, Old Shop Fronts and Pubs which were worth a picture without being anything outstanding in my opinion. a half an hour more and away I went.


                           Post Office Dunedoo

                                                                                                   Old Main Street Shop

                       Dunedoo Council Chambers and Museum which was closed as is usual

                               The Antique Store

                                                          A Line of nice Old Shop Fronts

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