Sunday 24 March 2013


  I believe today's trip was the longest to date at 318 kms. I decided to drive through to Trundle as there were no Free Camps on the way and I didn't want to stay in a Caravan Park as I am nearing my budget limit with a Pension Payment due in a few days time. Anyway it turned out to be a bit of a sight seeing trip.
  First stop was Cowra another nondescript Town on the larger size with a population of 9600. The Information Centre was of no help with any meaningful insights into Cowra's past. I did stop for a while before exploring the streets looking for something interesting. The only thing I could find was a fine Catholic Church with adjoining buildings that looked as if they could have been a Convent or Presbytery in the past and now a School. Big Towns, big bore, so I soon left for Forbes.

Churches in Cowra

  A little Town on the way, Gooloogong caught my eye. Tiny but with a nice old Pub and a couple of Buildings of note hence the Photos herein.
  Now Forbes, the next major Town on the way to Trundle was a different story and a pleasant surprise. I will tell you all about it in my next Post.



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