Saturday 16 March 2013


  45 kms NW of Coonabararan on a side road is where one finds Baradine (Aboriginal Meaning: Red Wallaby). On the way there I was astonished at how much damage the recent Bush Fires had caused around Coonabarabran. Kilometre after Kilometre of burnt out Country. I doubt if the Photos really show the extent of it. There was one area beside the road that contained dozens of burnt out Cars, Trucks and Farm Equipment, maybe it was a collection point of some sort otherwise what a disaster. I can now plainly see why the National Park is closed, there must be nothing left in there.
Bush Fire Damage around Coonabarabran NSW

 Its late morning by the time I arrive in Baradine, another speck on the map. There are 2 nice old Pubs of course (but how do they survive?), an Old Garage on the corner, a couple of Shops, a Takeaway that looked dodgy and a reasonably large IGA Supermarket that seemed to dwarf the rest of the town. A few interesting Buildings with one in particular puzzling example.  An imposing structure facing the centre of the Main Street, with a Latin inscription emblazoned on the facade. On closer inspection I determined that it was a WW2 Soldiers Memorial Hall erected in 1953. I will have to Google the Latin Phrase. I just looked out of place and in stark contrast to the other buildings. There are a some side streets that stretched for an amazing distance. A few of the 700 residents were in Town visiting the IGA or the little Post Office, all seemed friendly and ready with a smile or a "hello".

Soldier's Memorial Hall c1953
                        Tattersalls Hotel c1901
                                                                                                       Hotel Baradine c1926
Main Street of Baradine

The Old garage and NRMA Depot

                         Interesting Architecture?

                                                                                          The only Church I could find in Town

  I think that the lifeblood of the Town these days must be the existence of a State Forestry Office (Pilliga aboriginal for Swamp Oak) and the impressive Pilliga Forest Discovery Centre and I understand a couple of working Saw Mills nearby. I think that they might get some Bus Tours coming by
  After spending a small amount at the IGA as I normally do when I stop in a place, mainly to be polite I suppose, it was to the Pilliga Centre I went. I wanted to find out about Camping at "The Statues In The Scrub" in the Dandry Gorge, that I was aware of. The two nice Lady Attendants explained that the site was 30 km into the Forest on Gravel Roads. They gave me a map and with the assurance that the Road was good, that the Hiace would have no trouble and that clear skies were predicted for the next 3 days. Um, 30 km of dirt each way?  What the hell, they said it would be easy and anyway I am experienced now, so I set off.   

State Forestry Office
Pilliga Forest Discovery Centre

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    Nice to see some pics or our town, The church you found actually inst a church, it my home.There are 2 other churches in town you must have missed

