Friday 29 March 2013


 As I said in my previous Post Gum Bend Lake is a mere 4 kms from Condobolin. I learnt about it from the "Camps Australia Wide" book and I understand it is a popular Free camping spot. The Campsite is large with River Gum shade trees scattered throughout and patchy grass. I had been warned not to park under River Gums as they have a habit of dropping large branches without warning. A so-so Toilet block that did have free hot Showers was available. The only downside is that a high bank separates the Camping Area from the lake so it can't be overlooked. As soon as I had set up an old Bloke named Reg walked over and introduced himself and asked if I wanted to join him and his wife Sue for a chat at there (old and well used) Motorhome, how friendly was that? Of course I went over and we had a good mag about travels etc. They were much more experienced that I and had been on the road for most of the last 12 years. They seemed to have been everywhere and I eagerly asked many questions. An enjoyable hour or so for me. there are about 6 Vans here and over time an occupant of everyone of them stopped to say hello. Fellow travellers are usually all like that I have found.
 The lake is man-made and when full is only 1.75 metres deep. Another Bloke here told me that he had walked right around the edge with a GPS and it was 2.7 km in circumference, I'll take his word for it. Gum Bend lake was opened in 1988 and was a project to commemorate Australia's Bicentenary and was jointly funded by the Bicentennial Council, the People of Condobolin and the Lachlan Shire Council. The Gum Bend lake Extension was opened in 1990 to celebrate the centenary of Local Government in Condobolin. It is very popular with Waterskiers as I understand.

  It is near dusk and I am getting excited because it looks as though a nice sunset is brewing. A Lake or Dam with a Western Shore, a few clouds and some Ducks on the wing constitute a perfect formula for one. I was not mistaken, almost all the Campers  joined me as we merrily shot away until the Sun had disappeared completely.

A great way to spend 45 minutes!



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