Sunday 17 February 2013


Walcha is a small Town on the Oxley Hwy at the junction to Thuderbolts Way that leads to Armidale via Uralla. A nice looking main street although not much stands out as I drive through. Walcha is 408k from Sydney, 529k from Brisbane and is 1060M above see level. The shire population is 3187 and it looks like about 500 live in or around the Town centre. Average temperature is 25c in summer and 11c in winter. I stayed at the Caravan park last night and tonight, a lovely clean and friendly park with modern Immaculate facilities.
I had a scare this morning though, started the Van but could not get any gears, the gearstick wouldn't budge. Turned off and on again and it was OK, now it is fine, very puzzling. I will take it to a mechanic in the morning to check if anything is wrong as I don't want to continue the journey until i'm sure.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve I have been following your blog it is great. Stay safe and keep the updates coming.
