Thursday 13 December 2012


My first trip will be around central and outback NSW. I know it will be a bit hot but I want to stay in the state until I get the Van fully sorted. I intend to go from here at Nelson Bay firstly to Port Macquarie futher up the coast. My old neighbours have moved there to manage a Motel and they have asked me to visit on my way. From there the route will zig zag through central west NSW , dipping down to Mildura, just across the Victorian border then up to Bourke, across into QLD to Lightning Ridge and back down to Nelson Bay.

The route is well planned (as those that know me well would expect) and covers about 6500 kls. There are 82 stops on the way, I will stay at some and just check out others. My plan includes all the published Free Campsites and Caravan Parks on the way so that I can pick and choose. I prefer to Free Camp most of the time but will be limited to battery capacity (mainly to drive the fridge). I reckon I will get away with 2 days or so per week in Caravan Parks to recharge. I may consider fitting Solar Panels to the Van if needed as I would like to Free Camp for up to a week if I can.
The expected time to do this as about 5 months. Then I'll be back at Nelson Bay to prepare for trip No2 which is to Cairns and Central Qld over the Winter months.

I have bought a decent digital camera (Olympus SP-810UZ with 36x zoom lens) and intend to post regularly on this blog with the best pics. So, if you are interested follow my progress and experiences here.
You can Google this blog at and then put it in your favourites.

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